Friday 30 October 2015

Creating a Vamos Grid

In a previous article we added an application to Vamos so lets move to the next step of creating a Vamos grid.

First, a Vamos grid is an association of applications, libraries, properties and a list of hosts they are to be deployed to. We frequently think of a Vamos grid as an environment.

Lets create a grid, add an application, a property and a repo:

 $ vamos grid Jupiter_dev create
 $ vamos grid Jupiter_dev addapp JupiterServer 1.0.1
 $ vamos grid Jupiter_dev addproperty jupiter_http_port 8091
 $ vamos grid Jupiter_dev addrepo arepo-vm-barcelona-alpha

Lets look at a grid I prepared earlier:

 $ vamos grid Jupiter_dev info
 Gridname       : Jupiter_dev - For Jupiter developer testing purposes
 Edit status    : Unfrozen
 Change status  : Unchanged
 Owner group    : developers
 Release group  : developers
 Applications   : JupiterServer             1.0.32     dev        Linux
                : JupiterUI                 1.0.17     prod       Windows
                : PythonDjango              1.7.1      prod       ALL
                : PythonGoogleFinance       0.7.0      prod       ALL
                : PythonLinux               3.4.lin32  prod       Linux64
                : PythonRequests            2.5.1      prod       ALL
                : PythonRestFramework       3.0.1      prod       ALL
                : PythonWindows             3.4.win32  prod       Windows64
 Properties     : jupiter_http_host =
                : jupiter_http_port = 8091
                : jupiter_window_title = JupiterUI-Version:1.0.17-Build:#73
 Repos          : arepo-nathan-pc           ALL        Vamos      Windows    Windows64
                : arepo-vm-barcelona-alpha  ALL        Linux      Linux64    Vamos

Here we have a collection of applications including python libraries, python itself and the 2 Jupiter applications. There are three environment specific properties being set and two repos one Linux host and one Windows client.

When we deploy this grid Vamos will deliver the applications and properties to both of the repositories. So providing the versions of application binaries to use and the runtime environment including environment specific properties.

This is explained in more detail here and in this YouTube demo

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